PTAextra Magazine Autumn 2023 | Page 11

Keeping you up to date with all things PTA


Parentkind fully supports Citizens UK ’ s campaign to make school-based counselling a statutory provision in English schools and further education colleges .
According to the Parent Voice Report 2021 , 88 % of parents believe the curriculum at their child ' s school should prioritise the development of good mental health and wellbeing . Out of those who agreed , 60 % rated it as " very important ," the highest rating compared to other options on the list .
Jason Elsom , Chief Executive of Parentkind , says , “ Parents want mental health issues to be widely spoken about – to be included in the curriculum and more professional counselling services available in schools .
There are many reasons for this , not least that schools are generally safe and familiar environments for children and they trust the adults they know there . That is why Parentkind amplifies Citizens UK ’ s call to urge the UK Government to make the statutory provision of school-based counselling a reality for every child in England .”
Find out more about the campaign by visiting : citizensuk . org / campaigns / school-basedcounselling /
PTA supporters volunteered almost 4 million hours in 2021 / 22
We estimate the sum raised by our members last year to be almost
£ 100 million !
There ' s an app for that ...
Ticketing can be one of the most stressful parts of planning and running your events . Here are three apps that could help …
Eventbrite : Used by everyone from big concerts to comic conventions , Eventbrite is a trusted ticketing and events platform . They offer fee-free ticketing for free events and take a small cut of sales for paid tickets when compared with competitors .
Ticket Tailor : With a clearly priced , no-contract model , Ticket Tailor is a great option if you ’ re a newer PTA or only run ticketed events infrequently . Better yet , a cut of each ticket fee goes to their climate charity partners – good for you , and the planet !
TryBooking : If you ’ re nervous about making the leap to digital ticketing , TryBooking ’ s UK-based customer support team might give you some extra peace of mind . Combined with transparent low fees , it ’ s worth your time .