PTAextra Magazine Autumn 2023 | Page 22

Each term , we look at a different role within a typical PTA – the responsibilities , who it might suit and the reality of holding the position . This issue : The Chair
Running your PTA


The Chair

Each term , we look at a different role within a typical PTA – the responsibilities , who it might suit and the reality of holding the position . This issue : The Chair
What ’ s the main purpose of the role ?
To direct the committee ’ s meetings , make sure everyone is involved and their views are heard . The Chair should ensure all committee members are familiar with the constitution and their role responsibilities . They also hold the casting vote if the outcome is tied .
And the responsibilities ?
These can vary depending on the size and needs of the school , but commonly include :
• Preparing and setting the agenda for meetings
• Setting the ground rules for – as well as chairing – meetings
• Delegating tasks to other committee members and volunteers , checking they ’ re
12 completed and offering support where needed
• Liaising with the school
• Ensuring the committee is governed in line with their constitution
• Ensuring any decisions are made correctly and fit the objectives of the association as set out in the constitution
• Writing the Chair ’ s report for the AGM
• The Chair may also be a signatory on the PTA bank account
The PTA Chair cannot make decisions alone : all decisions must be made by the whole PTA committee .
What qualities does a good Chair usually have ?
• Confidence
• Assertiveness
• Ability to remain impartial and be inclusive
• A calm , friendly and approachable manner
• Organisational skills
• The ability to delegate – so the workload is shared
Some associations have Co- Chairs ( or Joint-Chairs ) and Vice- Chairs . Co-Chairs are equally responsible for fulfilling the role and should take it in turns to chair meetings . A Vice-Chair will deputise for the PTA Chair and step into the role if the primary Chair is absent .