Running your PTA
Ask Clare
advice & support
When running a PTA , you ’ re bound to encounter challenges – and that ’ s where we can help . At Parentkind , we have a dedicated team of advisers , headed by our Clare . With 23 years of experience and a wealth of knowledge to share , she offers her straight-talking advice on your issues
The School Governors have asked to see our financial records in order to find out how much money they have to spend ! Are they allowed to do this ?
Legally , the school and the PTA are separate entities and any funds raised belong to the PTA and not the school . Your elected committee members are responsible for the management and spending of funds , and you need your own bank account and set of financial records . This means the school should not be taking your funds into account when they are setting budgets or marking spending for equipment needed at the school . If they want something funded by the PTA , it needs to be discussed with the Committee and needs to fit the objectives of the association as stated in the PTAs governing document . The school should always get agreement from the PTA before buying anything rather than retrospectively . You can show them the Treasurer ’ s reports from your AGM , but you don ’ t need to show them your detailed accounts . There ’ s no need to be cagey about it – but there must be a recognition of this separation between PTA and school , and who is legally responsible for running the PTA .