PTAextra Magazine Autumn 2024 | Page 30

Running your PTA
If you ’ re in need of some inspiration or looking to fill up your events calendar for the autumn / winter term , here are some significant days and celebrations falling between September and December
14 September
World First Aid Day
How many members of your committee know First Aid ? This day serves as a reminder of just how essential these skills are – you never know when you might need them . If you ’ re looking to learn , St John Ambulance offers a wide range of courses . sja . org . uk / courses /
19 September
International Talk Like a Pirate Day
Ahoy there , mateys , it be that time of year again ! Aye , what a day it be for bilging like a true pirate . Encourage young shipmates to come to school with an eye patch , parrot and skull and crossbones flag , and set sail for an adventure out to sea .
20-29 September
Great British Beach Clean
Is your school close to the seaside ? Take part in the Great British Beach Clean and encourage your school community to pick up litter and protect our stunning coastlines . You could even award a prize for the most rubbish collected , or get involved in community events . mcsuk . org / what-you-can-do / joina-beach-clean / greatbritish-beach-clean / great-british-beachclean-events /
16-22 September
National Coding Week
Coding is such an important skill for young people to learn , especially as the future will most certainly be digital . For ideas on how to make the most of the week , head to the official website , which has lots of free resources . codingweek . org
18 September
National Fitness Day
Get the children involved in raising money for your PTA on National Fitness Day . Go traditional with a sponsored walk or run , or try something a bit different with a fun challenge , such as how many star jumps can be done in a minute .
27 September
National Teaching Assistants ’ Day
TAs play a vital yet often overlooked role in the classroom . Celebrate them and the incredible work they do on this special day , and express your appreciation by nominating them for a TA award ! nationalteaching assistantsday . co . uk / about /
Black History Month
The theme for this year ’ s Black History Month is ‘ reclaiming narratives .’ The focus will be on correcting historical inaccuracies , shining a light on untold stories and showcasing the full complexity of Black heritage . blackhistory month . org . uk
2 October
Rosh Hashanah
The first of the Jewish High Holidays , Rosh Hashanah marks the start of the new year in Jewish calendars . To mark the celebration , traditional round Challah bread and apples are dipped in honey , symbolising hope for a sweet , prosperous new year ahead .
3 October
National Poetry Day
For budding young poets in your school Hold a competition , a chance to shine Recite their entries in the assembly hall ( Remember : not all poems have to rhyme )
5 October
World Teachers ' Day
Teaching is one of the most important jobs in the world , so show your appreciation on this day in any way you can ( we ’ re sure a thank you note in the staff room would put a smile on their faces ).