PTAextra Magazine Autumn 2024 | Page 39

Top tips for your PTA ’ s Social Media Manager
Running your PTA
• Taking photos / videos of activities and events
• Designing graphics ( optional , but can have a huge impact )
• Keeping the rest of the PTA up to date with social media activity
What skills are required ?
• Basic understanding of social media
• Organised and able to work quickly
• Clear and friendly communicator
• Basic phone photography / video skills
• Graphic design skills are a plus !

Modern day PTA :

Social Media Manager

Alongside Chairs , Treasurers and Secretaries , modern day PTAs often have other roles that help to make their committee a success . In this issue , we ’ re taking a look at the role of Social Media Manager
What ’ s the main purpose of the role ?
To communicate quickly and informally with parents using social media . This could be one person ’ s responsibility or shared amongst multiple members of your committee . Social media is the perfect place for spreading the word about fundraising activities , celebrating the incredible work your PTA does and updating parents on last-minute changes to events . It ’ s often the first place people look if they have a question , so it ' s a good idea to keep your profiles up to date with key information and to post regularly .
What are the responsibilities ?
• Setting up and maintaining social media accounts
• Sharing engaging and relevant posts
• Responding to comments and messages
Top tips for your PTA ’ s Social Media Manager


Grab parents ’ attention with images and videos , these types of posts tend to get the best engagement

2Post at times parents are more likely to be online ( first thing in the morning , lunchtimes and after dinner )


Tell everyone you ’ re online – put your social media handles on the school website , newsletters , fundraising posters , anywhere parents might see
Photography : istock . com / Simon Apilolla