PTAextra Magazine Spring 2024 | Page 20

Running your PTA

Quick guide to charity governance

To register or not to register with the Charity Commission ? That is indeed the question on a PTA committee ’ s agenda . Many are legally required to register as a charity , but taking the plunge can be well worth doing regardless . We break down the hows and whys
Your association has a purpose and charitable objectives
Your association raises MORE than £ 5K
Your association raises LESS than £ 5K
You are legally required to register
You must have adopted a constitution
You are based in Northern Ireland
It ’ s free to register
You are based in England or Wales
Parentkind has a special arrangement with the Charity Commission that will allow you to register . You are not legally required to , but doing so has benefits ( see the final step )
Top tip : Adopt the Parentkind constitution in full to fast track your application
Top tip : Follow our step-bystep guide . England & Wales : parentkind . org / charityregistration-guide-eng-wales Northern Ireland : parentkind . org / charity-registration-guide-ni
You must be a member with us and adopt the Parentkind constitution in full – this will also fast track your application
Achieving Charity status gives you …
Access to grants and match giving
All committee members become Trustees and must be eligible to sign the Trustees Eligibility Declaration form
For more detailed information visit : parentkind . org / charity-registration