Running your PTA
Ask Clare advice & support
When running a PTA , you ’ re bound to encounter challenges – and that ’ s where we can help . At Parentkind , we have a dedicated team of advisers , headed up by our PTA Community Manager , Clare . With 23 years of experience and a wealth of knowledge to share , she offers her straighttalking advice on your issues
Our headteacher has said that she doesn ’ t want the PTA to register as a charity , but our annual income is over £ 5k . What do we do ?
It ’ s a legal requirement for a PTA to register once their income goes over £ 5k per annum . As the school and PTA are legally separate entities , this isn ’ t the school or the headteacher ’ s responsibility . The elected committee members then become the charity trustees , and it is their responsibility to register with the Charity Commission and keep them up to date with contact details , charity trustees ' details and annual reporting . It ’ s all relatively simple and all online . We have lots of information on our website about registering as a charity , or you can book a one-on-one call with our PTA Community Advisers to talk through this using the booking system on our website .