PTAextra Magazine Spring 2025 | Page 10

Keeping you up to date with all things PTA
Reminder !
Summer fair season will be here before you know it ! We recommend giving yourself at least three months to plan for it .

From the socials

Your burning questions and comments from PTA Hangout
I ' m a bit embarrassed to admit it , but I ' ve been on a PTA committee since last July and have never seen a copy of our constitution . Something has now arisen and I ' ve asked to see it , but nobody ( including the school and PTA Chair ) has one . I ' ve asked a previous member and they ' ve never seen a copy either , and they believe no electronic copy exists , only the original paper one when the PTA formed over 20 years ago . What do I do ?
If your association is a registered charity , then contact the Charity Commission and they should be able to help . If you want to adopt a new constitution , we have a model available to our members on the Parentkind website .
Does our constitution need to be readopted annually ?
No , once the constitution is adopted it remains in place until it is no longer fit for purpose , at which point you can adopt a new one .
Does a PTA have to have a Chair , a Treasurer and a Secretary ?
This will depend on your constitution . If the roles are specified , then they must be elected for the association to continue . If no roles are listed ( as in the Parentkind model constitution ), then you will need someone to oversee finances but can allocate committee roles however the committee chooses .
Help us support more schools and families with JustGiving !
If you ' d like to boost our charity ' s impact , you can now raise money for Parentkind via JustGiving . Our fundraising team are on hand to help every step of the way .
Start fundraising today : justgiving . com / parentkind Or get in touch : fundraisingteam @ parentkind . org

Let ’ s make a difference together