Spring cleaning season
Reminder !
Fundraising might be more difficult at the moment . Research shows that fundraising is harder for charities in the first few months of the year . You may also be feeling burnt out after Christmas , so consider taking things easy and avoid big fundraisers until the weather warms up a bit .
Are you making the most of your membership ?
We understand how much time and effort it takes to plan and organise fundraisers . To make life easier , we ’ ve created our ultimate guides and toolkits for classic PTA events . They contain everything you need , including planning checklists , resources , social media templates and more . All of the guides we ’ ve created so far are listed below – just log in to Your PTA Expert on our website to download them for free .
• The ultimate PTA guide to quick and easy fundraisers
• The ultimate PTA guide to summer fairs
• The ultimate PTA guide to colour runs
• The ultimate PTA guide to teddy bears ’ picnics
• The ultimate PTA guide to discos
• The ultimate PTA guide to hosting a quiz
• The ultimate PTA guide to Christmas fairs
Scan here to access the guides :
Spring cleaning season
Spring is the perfect time for clearing out unwanted bits and bobs and cleaning forgotten corners where the dust bunnies like to hide . Why not make spring cleaning even easier for parents with your fundraising events ?
1Gift amnesty – One person ’ s trash is another person ’ s treasure , and there will undoubtedly be some unwanted Christmas gifts looking for new homes if you ask around . Inspire parents by requesting specific items , such as cookbooks and toiletries , but make it clear that you only want items that are unused , unopened and in good condition . If you ’ re going to allow alcohol donations , you ’ ll need a TEN ( find out more on page 11 ).
2Sponsored clean –
Whether it ’ s a spot of weeding , car washing or tidying up their toys , hand out sponsorship forms to the children and ask them to raise money for helping out around the home . The more chores they do , the more money they ’ ll raise , and the happier parents will be !
3Pre-loved uniform – Some days it feels like you turn around and your child is suddenly a foot taller ! Whether parents have old uniforms they want to get rid of or are looking for bigger sizes , consider hosting a pre-loved uniform stall for them to donate and buy what they need .
Reminder !
World Book Day is on 6th March Planned any exciting events that involve the kids dressing up ? Try to give busy parents as much notice as possible – and remind them that although it might feel like a competition , it ’ s all just for fun !
Photography : istock . com / SolStock , shutterstock . com / Sergei Kolesnikov , Ebook icons created by ranksol graphics - Flaticon