PTAextra Magazine Summer 2024 | Page 13

From the socials

Your burning questions and comments from PTA Hangout
We ’ re hosting a family bingo night . We ’ ll be selling tickets prior to the event – do we need a gambling licence for this ? Prizes will be chocolate only , no
cash prizes .
If the bingo is non-commercial then no licence is needed . The gambling commission has guidance you can view on their website .
Can a PFA committee accept a funding request from a student for a class formal ?
All spending is a committee decision . If your elected committee feels that funding a formal fits the objectives of your constitution , then it can be paid for .
Treasurer question ! We arranged for the school to go to the panto this year and asked the parents to make a contribution . We covered the coaches and the remainder of the balance . On the accounts do I put the parents ’ payments down as donations ?
This should be accounted for as income against the event . It is not a donation as they were paying to attend the panto .


Become an influencer for your PTA
Post regularly : Update your followers at least once a week . Most social media influencers set up a schedule to post at times their followers are more likely to be online , such as before 9 , after 5 and at lunchtime .


Share your profile : Let parents at your school know where to find you . Whether it ’ s in your email newsletters , events posters or other marketing materials , sharing your social media handle is a surefire way to gain a few new followers .


Get chatting : Reply to comments as often as you can and like , share and comment on relevant profiles where appropriate . You never know , they might do the same back and help you get the word out about your fundraisers .


Snap some pics : Photo and video content gets the most traction on social media . Remember to get consent from anyone featured in your photos , and if they ’ re under 18 you ’ ll need to ask their parents ’ permission .


Want to boost your PTA ’ s social media profile ? Here are five ways to build your online presence : Are you making the most of your membership ?
Did you know Parentkind members get discounts on top brands and services ? Head to page 58 to see where you could be saving some pennies .
Exclusive sneak peeks : Got a fun event coming up ? Drum up the excitement by sharing a few snaps of the work going on behind the scenes . And don ’ t forget to share your successes afterwards ! Photos / illustration : Elizabeth Brown , Shutterstock