PTAextra Magazine Summer 2024 | Page 15

Running your PTA
Planning your fundraisers and community events for the last few months of the school year ? Here are some significant days and dates to keep in mind for a fun-filled summer term
1 May
May Day
Get that maypole at the ready ! As well as maypole dancing , traditional ways to celebrate include flower baskets , crafting and crowning a May Queen – and why not a May King too ? Only seems fair !
22 April
Earth Day
This year , the focus for Earth Day is reducing plastic . Mark the occasion by considering your association ’ s use of plastic at events , rounding up some little helpers to pick up litter or holding an Earth Day poster competition – whatever helps the children connect with the planet . earthday . org
23 April
World Book Night
Children learn by example , but 31 % of adults say they don ' t read in their spare time . World Book Night ’ s mission is to encourage more adults and young people to pick up a book . You could get parents involved with a book sale for grownups or by starting a book club . worldbooknight . org 23 April
Saint George ' s Day
Saint George is England ’ s patron saint . Celebrate by flying the flag of Saint George , wearing blue , having a Punch and Judy show or serving a delicious cream tea !
National Walking Month
Whether it ’ s walking to school , around the school or together as a school , dish out some sponsorship forms and # WalkThisMay . For some extra inspiration , download the official Try 20 checklist . livingstreets . org . uk
1-7 May
National Gardening Week
Calling all green-fingered volunteers ! It ’ s time to beautify your school ’ s outdoor space . This is a great time of year for wildflowers , so consider chucking a few seed bombs about and watching them flourish , or getting some planters for a mini vegetable patch ( courgettes love being sown in May ). If space is an issue , go compact with watercress . rhs . org . uk
4 May
Star Wars Day
You can choose the Light Side of the force and fully embrace Stars Wars Day with space-themed costumes , cakes and games … or you can pick the Dark Side and ignore it completely . Whatever you decide , May the fourth be with you ! Head over to page 38 to read more about the work RHS are doing with schools like yours
1-7 May
Deaf Awareness Week
A chance to learn and reflect on the ways your PTA can make events more accessible to deaf individuals in your community . Do you have enough visual aids and instructions to help deaf and hard of hearing people , or maybe there ’ s a need for a British Sign Language ( BSL ) interpreter ? rnid . org . uk
13-19 May
Mental Health Awareness Week
This year ’ s theme for Mental Health Awareness Week is ‘ Movement : Moving more for our mental health ’. Setting fitness challenges for your school will boost wellbeing and is the perfect way to raise money for outdoor and sports equipment , or to fund pastoral care . mentalhealth . org . uk
18 May International Museum Day
It ’ s time for a field trip ! Take the children to see ancient artefacts and incredible works of art in real life . Or keep things closer to home and create your own mini museum about your school or local area .