PTAextra Magazine Summer 2024 | Page 8


Extraordinary PTAs
Head of Marketing : Louisa McNally
Editor : Emily Babb-Doherty
Designer : Anna Tuck
Feature writer : Taran Knight
Sub editors : Rosanna Evans
Contributors : Clare Jenner Shula Farnie Caroline Hayward Celia Tedstone Donna Hill Marie Chapman Jane Lloyd , Royal Horticultural Society Juanita Shepherd , Department for Education
Eco-friendly fundraising
Want to help your school and save the planet at the same time ? Read our guide on going green
46 2.1 million children don ’ t have access to sports outside of school
We investigate why so many children don ’ t participate in sports outside of school and the ways your PTA can make a difference
49 The National Education Nature Park
The Department for Education explain their new initiative to record and boost biodiversity in schools , all while teaching children about climate change
52 Fundraising for prom
Make your school leavers feel like royalty – without resorting to stealing the crown jewels !
55 Parent support
Discover the ways we support the voice of parents at Parentkind , including our research , webinars and resources
56 Navigating Parenthood Parentkind webinars
Our expert-led webinars available to all parents
58 Our PTA suppliers
Whatever your event needs , you ’ re sure to find it in our supplier directory , tried and tested by our own PTA members
Advertising : Bourne Media 07771 881251 / 01202 757646 mark @ bourne-media . co . uk WANT TO CONTRIBUTE ? We love hearing and sharing your stories . If you have a PTA tale to tell , email us at : editorial @ parentkind . org Share the digital version of PTAextra with your Committee PTAextra is published by Parentkind , a national charity and the network of Parent Teacher Associations , mobilising over 100,000 volunteer fundraisers to raise in excess of £ 100 million annually to fund vital equipment and services for our schools . All information contained in this publication is for information only and is , as far as we are aware , correct at the time of going to press . Parentkind cannot accept any responsibility for errors and inaccuracies in such information . You are advised to contact manufacturers and retailers directly in regards to the price of products / services referred to in this publication . Apps and websites mentioned in this publication are not under our control . We are not responsible for their contents or any other changes or updates to them . No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any way without prior written permission from Parentkind .
If you submit material to us , you warrant that you own the material and / or have the necessary rights / permissions to supply the material and you automatically grant Parentkind a licence to publish your submission in whole or in part in any / all issues and / or editions of publications , in any format published worldwide and associated websites , social media channels and associated products . Any material is sent at your own risk and , although every care is taken , neither Parentkind nor its employees , agents , subcontractors or licensees shall be liable for loss or damage . We assume all unsolicited material is for publication unless otherwise stated , and reserve the right to edit , amend , adapt all submissions . PTAextra is published termly by Parentkind , 16 Old Queen Street , London , SW1H 9HP . Registered charity number 1072833