PTAextra Magazine Spring 2024 | Page 14

Running your PTA
Got some empty slots in your diary ? Here are key dates and celebrations for your PTA to keep in mind this spring term
4 January
World Braille Day Louis Braille was born on
this day in 1809 , making this a great opportunity to learn about Braille and the accessibility needs of blind and visually impaired people .
15 January
Brew Monday It ’ s official : Blue Monday
is cancelled . Instead , Samaritans suggest chatting over a cuppa to boost wellbeing . Why not plan a school coffee morning ?
24 January
International Day of Education
A day to remind us that basic education is a human right , although not every child in the world has access to it . Right now , a shocking six million children are not in school , according to UNESCO . unesco . org / en / days / education
25 January
Burns Night
Plate up some haggis , neeps and tatties to celebrate the life and works of Scottish poet , Robert Burns .
29 January
National Puzzle Day
Did you know puzzles improve memory and reduce stress ? From jigsaws to crosswords , it might be time for a puzzle party .
LGBT + History Month
Join a month-long celebration of the contributions made by the LGBT + community throughout history , and learn more about how we can combat prejudice together . lgbtplushistorymonth . co . uk
5-11 February
Children ’ s Mental Health Week
One out of every six children aged 5-16 struggles with their mental health . This week shines a light on how to provide support , start positive conversations and where to get professional help if it ’ s needed . childrensmentalhealth week . org . uk
6 February
Safer Internet Day
With digital skills more important than ever , this day focuses on teaching children and young people how to use the internet safely . From cyberbullying to screen time , the official website has some great resources to get you started . saferinternetday . org
9 February
National Pizza Day
You knead to put this day in your calendar ! Whether you prefer thin crust or deep dish , it ’ s a delicious way to serve your PTA a slice of the fundraising action .
10 February
Chinese New Year
This celebration marks the Year of the Dragon . In Chinese culture , the dragon represents good luck , strength and health .
27 January – 4 February
National Storytelling Week
Whether speaking , acting , reading or writing , celebrate the joy of a good story with the Society of Storytelling . sfs . org . uk
13 February
Pancake Day / Shrove Tuesday
Lemon and sugar , maple syrup , fruit , bacon and eggs – the possibilities are endless . To make the day even batter , why not try a pancake flipping competition ?
14 February
Valentine ' s Day
Roses are red , violets are blue , here are some sweet ideas for you … Get your school all loved up with a ‘ wear what you love ’ day and cake sale . 14 February
International Book Giving Day
This day falls on Valentine ' s because it ' s all about sharing a love for reading . The aim is to get books into the hands of as many children as possible . Gift , donate or swap , it ’ s completely up to you – just make sure there ’ s lots of reading going on ! 8 PARENTKIND . ORG SPRING 2024